Vehicle & Technical > Jeep

Landy to Jeep

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Jeep may have had the original gene plan but land rover evolved the concept to its fullest potential. That said land rover hating jeep is a lot like hating your mum.

I like the willys and I like the SJ , I like the LR Series Vehicles and I like the pre puma (pre td5 too i guess) Defenders - Rest of both Jeep and Landrover's range are just pap and of a different concept.

Bishops Finger:

--- Quote from: lambert on October 09, 2012, 09:10:37 ---Jeep may have had the original gene plan but land rover evolved the concept to its fullest potential. That said land rover hating jeep is a lot like hating your mum.

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Hehe...dont get me wrong if that magical £140 million lottery win came in a series 1/11 would be in the magic would an Evoque or latest Rangie.....that latter 2 for a couple of weeks anyway :evil:



--- Quote from: Saffy on October 09, 2012, 21:35:25 ---I like the willys and I like the SJ , I like the LR Series Vehicles and I like the pre puma (pre td5 too i guess) Defenders - Rest of both Jeep and Landrover's range are just pap and of a different concept.

--- End quote ---

A different concept ??? 4 wheels, 4WD, go anywhere, the latest Rangie sure aint (PAP) its the most desirable car of its kind on the planet :cool:! i owned series Landys when there was no other choice perhaps thats why i cant think of them with my rose tinted specs on :wink:

Bishops Finger:
One must disagree...


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