AuthorTopic: New Site for Land Rovers Landywatch  (Read 6312 times)

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New Site for Land Rovers Landywatch
« on: June 24, 2011, 12:58:39 »
LANDYWATCH is a new organization who are trying to create a network of Land Rover owners to look out for and try to recover stolen Land Rovers. Working with the police and security companies to give it's members advice and assistance and generally trying to make Land Rovers a less attractive target to thieves.
It's much like a neighborhood watch idea but for Land Rovers.
Obviously an organization like this relies quite heavily on it's members "eyes and ears" and becomes more and more effective as it grows. With this in mind it would be great if you could take the time to check out Landy Watch and hopefully join. It's free to register and only takes a few mins.

landy1uk                                                  Author Taylor from Landywatch
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 08:27:27 by Landy1uk »


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