Correct Mark, I put in a so called recon diff and on looking underneath this morning the was diff oil everywhere, the bloke who reconn'ed it, obviously had a bad day or was clueless, the pineon could be moved in and out by about 1/4 inch and up and down the same amount wrecking the seal and spewing oil everywhere. That'll teach me to check everything before fitting
I was forced to recon my old diff, which I was going to do at my leisure, instead of going out to play today, I'm now back up and running with just the noise of special tracks to listen to....silence is golden
On having a quick look at this so called recon unit I noticed the spacers were missing behind the drive flange so the bearing wasn't at the correct preload....I've just reinforced to myself why I prefer to do all my maintenance myself. Trust nobody!!
On the upside I now have a partly reconned spare 12 spline diff as a spare in my garage
I won't say exactly where the recon unit was from except its linked to a norhamptonshire pay and play know who you are cowboy...