Vehicle & Technical > Defender

Climair Wind Deflectors

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Had another go last night and managed to get the drivers window done....  :D I found the obstruction!  :oops: There’s a small rubber triangle shaped piece of rubber that insures the window stays in place once removed allowed the wind deflector to be inserted but not without a fight, a lot of bending, swearing, and more bending before it was in place.

I just need to repeat the exercise on the passenger side.  :wink:

Easy to fit!!!! Not sure about that. But once fitted looks pretty good.  8)

I know exactly how you feel I bought the full set for my Disco, had them delivered & spent every evening for the next three weeks trying to fit them.

We happened to be in the vicinity of Simmonites (who supplied them) so we called in & asked for help, 10 minutes later they were all in.

10 minutes I might add of being picked on by two women! I still haven't heard the last of it from SWMBO.

But you are right they do look good fitted.

How long did it take you Richard  :shock:

I too has a full set delivered and approx half an hour later all done  :wink:

They look great on and do stop that annoying drip which used to soak my  arm when I had my window open when it rained  :D

Hope the other side goes on a bit more easily for you Phil  :D

Second one finally fixed in place this weekend, had a great time trying to get to fit, didn't help that the gap in the rubbers was filled with mud.... wonder where that came from!.

Anyways all fitted now and looks the business, was worth the struggle to fit.


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