
Chat & Social => The Bar - General Chat => Topic started by: zacspeed on May 01, 2008, 08:12:06

Title: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: zacspeed on May 01, 2008, 08:12:06
Let's all go buy V8's! Clicky ( <---  :twisted:
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: littlepow on May 01, 2008, 21:07:43
I have always thought it was a bit arrogant to believe that humans were the sole responsibility of global warming. But we still are responsible for protecting our environment and resources.

Wouldn't mind the extra taxes, if the weren't just a PR stunt from the clowns in power just to raise more money for their excessive life styles.
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: Silvery Thing on May 02, 2008, 11:35:27
I recall watching a Channel 4 programme suggesting that global warming is a natural occurance and part of a cycle of temperature change. The reasearchers gathered powerful scientific evidence and stated that humans only contribute 10% of, so called, greenhouse gasses to the atmoshere, apparently the greatest amount comes from the oceans!

The programme also suggested that it was the UK government, under the guidance of Maggie Thatcher, that started, what may be a myth, the debate about global warming as a political weapon during the strife we suffered in the early 1980's.

Oh hail Maggie [-X :angry:
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: 4 landies on May 02, 2008, 11:46:54
 Looks like this might turn into a heated debate and I dont want to get involved as my blood will boil and laptop may get thrown through the nearest window  :lol:
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: carbore on May 02, 2008, 17:51:42
I was reading in my "Fruit Expert" book about how to look after my grapes (snigger) and It said "The Romans grew grapes extensively across the UK, but it was much warmer then"  No forgive me if im wrong but the Roman empire had a fairly low carbon footprint.

Also if anyone watches Time Team, that bloke who doesnt bother digging holes, but uses a map and such. frequently says things like "The sea level was much higher and came up here (now a filed) so thats why its a port/harbour)" so next time someone tells you that you are killing the Norfolk broads, show them a roaman map and tell them that you are trying to give back to nature what man took 100's of years ago. Mind you they often use a big freelander or disco so its probably a conspiracy!

Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: CaptainColourful on May 03, 2008, 22:06:57
Did we ever think it was ?

The earth naturally goes through cycles of temperature change.

The only difference is that we can now record everything so accurately !

The "techies" have to do something with all the data they collect, so they bombard us with their figures.... and we all know that figures and data can be made to say anything you want them to.

Having said that, we should be careful where and how we dispose of our rubbish so I agree that recycling is a priority but I wish the tree huggers would stop recycling any new "facts" .........

Global warming is a myth !

Pollution is real and we can all do our bit to slow that trend.

Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: Disco Matt on May 03, 2008, 22:14:09
What particularly gets me is the emphasis on recycling. See, a lot of things would be much less damaging to the environment if they were reused instead. Take milk bottles for example - for decades these were taken back, washed, and reused. French supermarkets did the same with wine bottles in the '80s (I can remember going over with piles of empty bottles, and getting a few francs for feeding them into the machine in a supermarket). Germany still does it with soft drink bottles. But we get bottle banks (glass smashed, needs melting down and reforming which has to be more energy-intensive than just sterilising and reusing them) and plastics being shredded then reformed.

I could wonder if it's actually a cunning plan to keep the throwaway society going. See, with recycling people still buy new stuff. Reusing would mean they have to make things to last...

Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: Lord Shagg-Pyle on May 03, 2008, 22:27:14
I had a heated debate with the 'manager' of the local waste disposal site over recycling.
I had taken a load of horse feed and bedding wrappers to the dump, but was told that they were not recyclable, even though they were clearly marked up as such.
I was told that they may contain germs, as they may have come into contact with horse borne diseases, and therefore couldn't be buried. I tried to point out that it was wrapping from food they were going to eat, not what they had eaten, and if that was the case why were people allowed to dump bags of dog crap at the site? I was then told that dogs were pets and horses were luxuries, and horses related waste was classed as 'business' waste. I got the impression this was said after I had turned up there in my Disco.
That got me riled, as I have never been rich having horses in the family, and never will be.
I contacted the local council who told me that there was no problem with dumping the stuff at the tip. Manager then says that he will accept it, if it is double bagged in plastic bin bags.
[Edited] is going on? So I double bag reuseable stuff in non reuseable stuff for it to be buried, or alternatively take it to a commercial waste tip where they will charge me a fortune for them to bury it in a landfill site,

I get the impression that the recycling industry is a big money making scam, and non of the management staff know what the flip they are doing!

Is it any wonder so much fly tipping goes on?
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: zacspeed on May 04, 2008, 09:23:59
Makes me laugh when Mcdonalds constantly bang on about how environmentally friendly their products are  :^o (not that I tend to eat their swill too much these days).
If they were really serious about helping the environment, they'd surely implement the ultimate in recycling - Knives, forks & plates  :shocked:
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: CaptainColourful on May 04, 2008, 20:36:56
Just to confirm that I include "re-use" in the term "recycling".... Mountains of smashed glass and 1000's of tons placcy bags being exported to China isn't what I had in mind.
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: Disco Matt on May 04, 2008, 21:42:00
Just to confirm that I include "re-use" in the term "recycling".... Mountains of smashed glass and 1000's of tons placcy bags being exported to China isn't what I had in mind.

My thoughts exactly - for some reason (maybe trying to keep consumerism going...) government policies seem to be aimed more toward the latter than the former.
Title: Re: Woo Hoo! It's not all our fault!
Post by: littlepow on May 04, 2008, 22:17:14
Just to confirm that I include "re-use" in the term "recycling".... Mountains of smashed glass and 1000's of tons placcy bags being exported to China isn't what I had in mind.

My thoughts exactly - for some reason (maybe trying to keep consumerism going...) government policies seem to be aimed more toward the latter than the former.

Less money in re-use, so less to tax and add to the coffers.....
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