
Chat & Social => The Bar - General Chat => Topic started by: Yoshi on December 08, 2007, 17:15:44

Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Yoshi on December 08, 2007, 17:15:44
Just took a run out in the disco and its absolutely pouring it down!  On way back it was flooded and some womans motor had stalled in a bad deep bit.  She was there for about 15 mins before i got there (we were in a queue leading up to the flood) and not one person had stopped to help her.  We didnt have the tow rope in so ended up getting up to me knees soaked as me and a few other people pushed her out of the flood to somewhere dry.  She had 2 young kids in the car as well.

What was most annoying was that people had driven round her for 15 mins and left her where she was.  Thankfully when i got out to help others decided to follow suit and we got it moved quite quickly.
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: SteveGoodz on December 08, 2007, 17:34:45
Bl00dy typical reaction of most people - it makes me mad  :evil:

Well done on going to the assistance of a damsel in distress  :)
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on December 08, 2007, 18:08:46
Well done, you only did what any proper gentleman ought to have.

As for the weather, I went to York earlier (& back), along the M62/A1/A64.
I'd swear I got overtaken by a jet-skier!!
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Ja1983 on December 08, 2007, 18:40:33
had soggy snow up here, so naturally i headed for the hills!

...ended up in a ditch!

weather is babbins at the mo, well done for leading an example tho! :wink:
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Lee_D on December 08, 2007, 19:01:16
Message is bung in a rope for all occasions. I always carry one in the 110 - must get another for the RR.

When I were a lad - and yes I had hair! my Mini pickup concken outen on tha a500 as the battery lead melted to the exhaust. Impressive smoke trial as I looked in the rear view mirror that the red arrows would have been quite chuffed with. Dad turned up in the Mini Metro which was a couple of years old.. no toe rope and we quickly resolved the battery wire but the battery was flat by then.

Dad drapped a jacket over the front bumper of the metro and Pushed me off the A500. Up the slip road to safety.

Police Motorway RR's also have modified buffers for the same reason.. to quickly clear obstructions with minimal damage.

Ok in a straight line.
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on December 08, 2007, 19:27:43
Quote from: "Lee_D"
Police Motorway RR's also have modified buffers for the same reason.. to quickly clear obstructions with minimal damage.

I know the 'Classics' did, but not too sure about P38's, as West Yorkshire had Discovery 2's instead

Do Police L322's have them, or does the bumper configuration conspire against such fittings??

This is a good site;

Just searched further out of curiosity & look what I found!! (
Title: Good ole boy
Post by: Terranger on December 08, 2007, 21:13:18
Good ole boy, as they would say in Northants/Bucks.
it's amazing how selfish people are.

I came upon an incident, where a woman had stopped her car, and having my bus drivers head on, I tried to go round the offending object, 'til I realised the bigger picture.
An old chap had stubbed his toe on a drain cover, and was lying on the other side of the road, so, as I was next to an island, I pulled the bus up and stopped the traffic on my side. I saw the lass on the phone to emergency services, and asked if she was sorted, to whit i got a nod.

I then stood a few yards away from the scene, to stop the traffic from running over the chap, when this young asian chap, who was first in the queue, jumped out of his Vorsprung Durch Teknic eurobox, asking what the hell was the problem.

I pointed to the fellow on the ground, and told him we're awaiting assistance, he then started goin on about being late for his work, so I sympathetically said "Boo Hoo"  ,turn your vehicle around, and find another way, as we wouldn't like to keep him!
He sheepishly sloped off to his motor, and slunk behind his steering wheel, but didn't dare move.

What made me laugh, was, the lass moved her car, which gave me a clear carriageway, and Mr Exec was still stuck, as the Ambulance had parked directly in front of him, and couldn't move at all.
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Yoshi on December 09, 2007, 01:30:51
Good one terranger!

I normally keep towing strops in the disco but its been off the road a few times since i got it and havent had a chance to put me kit in, suffice to say its in now!
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Drift on December 09, 2007, 02:14:27
Nice one Terranger 8)
Had a few things like that when I was Bus Driving  :wink:

Though today it was water in me, my coat, down my back,in my shoes, pant, even my undies where soaked  :shock:

I need a garage :evil:  and the bloody starter motor still aint on  :roll:  :lol:  :lol:

I want some one to design and rent portable garages  8)
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: SteveGoodz on December 09, 2007, 11:37:43
Quote from: "Drift"

I want some one to design and rent portable garages  8)

Here ya go, try this ...   :D
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: Drift on December 09, 2007, 11:56:35
Quote from: "SteveGoodz"
Quote from: "Drift"

I want some one to design and rent portable garages  8)

Here ya go, try this ...   :D

How cool are they  :D
Title: Its a tad wet!!
Post by: thermidorthelobster on December 09, 2007, 11:59:54
Odd that they've used a badly-photoshopped montage on their front page, rather than an actual photo of a product in use, but the rest of them seem OK, so I presume they do actually exist...
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