
Chat & Social => The Bar - General Chat => Topic started by: thermidorthelobster on August 24, 2007, 11:28:42

Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 24, 2007, 11:28:42
I feel like a moan and thought, why not just start a moan thread so everybody else can weigh in as well.

I'm sick of the supermarkets only stocking drinks that are No Added Sugar!  I hate the taste of nutrasweet or whatever it is they use these days!  I'd much rather rot my teeth a bit and actually have a drink I can drink without gagging.  At least give me the choice, for god's sake, oh evil supermarket demons.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Jas278 on August 24, 2007, 11:42:59
I wish people would stop moaning.......... :shock:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 24, 2007, 11:50:06
Well, given the thread title, there is always the possibility you could just have avoided reading the thread.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Keri on August 24, 2007, 12:02:05
bit like butter with no salt and other such stuff  :roll:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Jas278 on August 24, 2007, 12:02:35
Quote from: "thermidorthelobster"
Well, given the thread title, there is always the possibility you could just have avoided reading the thread.

Just giving you another opportunity............ :-({|=
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 24, 2007, 12:26:53
Why thank you  8)
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: AbyssDJ on August 24, 2007, 13:02:13
cool... is this the standard and default moan thread now? maybe there will be less moaning in the rest of the threads? :roll:  8)
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: strapping young lad on August 24, 2007, 13:31:51
why did the big mars and marathon go from big to two small ones


why do banks take forever if you ask them to do something but if they want something out of you the postman cant drive quick enough :(
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: V8MoneyPit on August 24, 2007, 13:51:36
And on the bank theme....

Why does 'electronic transfer' disappear from your account instantly, but if you are waiting for it to come into your account it takes 3 days?

Oh, and why do I have to go through about 6 layers of "Press 1 to do this, Press 2 to do that, etc" before I can actually talk to a human being? And when I finally get through to that human being they are barely capable of speaking English?!
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Lyndsey731 on August 24, 2007, 14:37:00
Keeping with banks and moans

Went to the bank a while ago on a Thursday and wanted to take out a grand to pay a builder. I was told that because it was a bank holiday weekend I could only have 500 per day because they wouldn't have any more deliveries until the next week and other people MIGHT want money. I informed her that I had the money in my account and DID want it, again I was told no. I then asked if I came back in again tomorrow could I  have another 500 and was told yes :shock: ! Asking if she could see how this could possibly seen as absolute madness I was simply told sorry only 500 per day.

Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Evilgoat on August 24, 2007, 15:14:07
Dairy free Yoghurt

I mean [Edited]?!
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 24, 2007, 15:40:59
Quote from: "Lyndsey731"
I then asked if I came back in again tomorrow could I  have another 500 and was told yes :shock: ! Asking if she could see how this could possibly seen as absolute madness I was simply told sorry only 500 per day.

A while back Debenhams were doing buy 2, get 1 free on dinner plates.  So I took 6 to the till, saying I wanted to buy 2, get one free, twice.  The assistant was adamant I couldn't do that.  I could only buy 5 and get one free.  She got quite snotty and called her manager.  He agreed with her.  So I said OK, I'll buy 2 and get one free, then leave the shop, come back in again, and buy the next 2 and get the next one free.  In the end they agreed to let me buy 4 get 2 free but with incredibly bad grace.  They just couldn't get it at all.  The thing is, as ppl may have noticed, when I think I'm definitely right, I'll sit there and argue the toss until the cows come home  :roll:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 24, 2007, 15:47:30
Quote from: "Lyndsey731"
I informed her that I had the money in my account and DID want it, again I was told no.

That also reminds me of when I went to blow up the tyres on the 101 at the local garage.  Went in and asked for 5 20p pieces for a pound.  "No, you can only have 2."  Why, have you run out?  "No, but other people might want them, to blow up their tyres."  But I want them to blow up my tyres!  What's the use of half-blowing-up my tyres?  I should have come back in with a false beard...
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: V8MoneyPit on August 24, 2007, 17:24:31
Quote from: "Evilgoat"
Dairy free Yoghurt

I mean [Edited]?!

Not so much a moan, but this reminded me of the section in our local Sainsbury's.
The sign over the isle reads 'Free of food'  :lol:
Meaning 'Free of sugar' or 'free of wheat', etc. But I just had an immediate image of empty packets  :lol:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: beast5680 on August 24, 2007, 17:58:10
why do people wait 5 yards up the road from a perfectly good zebra crossing and then give you evils when they have to walk round you when you stop for someone actually on it :?
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: V8MoneyPit on August 24, 2007, 18:01:18
Ah, well done.... I wondered how long it would take to get on to road use  :lol:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Biodiesel-Bev on August 24, 2007, 20:29:28
What really annoys me is when you hold the door open for someone, or move aside to let someone pass and they don't say thank you.  I can often be heard to say rather loudly to the ill-mannered blighters "YES, YOU'RE WELCOME!"    :(bigangry):
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: richo on August 24, 2007, 20:42:23
I hate it when you agree a payment day when on a job with a customer and they sod off to france for the long weekend with out telling you they are and when you ring them up to ask them where you money is they don't anwser.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 24, 2007, 20:46:33
Quote from: "biodiesel-queen"
What really annoys me is when you hold the door open for someone, or move aside to let someone pass and they don't say thank you.  I can often be heard to say rather loudly to the ill-mannered blighters "YES, YOU'RE WELCOME!"    :(bigangry):

Happens a lot at work, a large majority of Doctors (& management) think they're so important that they simply can't speak to other staff even to be polite.

Having said that our own Consultants are a good natured bunch, & the Clinical Psychologists are great too
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 24, 2007, 22:11:16
Quote from: "richo"
I hate it when you agree a payment day when on a job with a customer and they sod off to france for the long weekend with out telling you they are and when you ring them up to ask them where you money is they don't anwser.

My plasterer turned up a week late (after I'd moved all the furniture out of the main room, including the piano, and lifted the carpets) and then had a major hissy fit at me for having the nerve to leave messages on his answerphone asking where he was.  :twisted:  I wouldn't wee on him if he was on fire.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Boggert on August 24, 2007, 22:59:06
How about a Rant...

I was very nearly wiped out to day by some dizzy old git who just could not see a bis ass white car with yellow stripes and blue lights closing the road, all the traffic had stopped but thit idiot thought out of all the cars he was allowed to over take and go through the road closed sign at about 50mph.

Do's and don’ts of a police road closure...


Slow down
Go where you are directed to (even if you are lost)
Wave you hand to acknowledge the officer.
Carry a map (Its not our job to tell you where to go)
Turn around safely


Don't try to drive around the road block
Don't Wave you arms at the officer (Its not their fault the road is closed)
Don't shout at the officer
Don't Pull up and ask "Can I go through?" why should you be allowed to and everyone else has to turn around??
Don't try to blag it!
Don't ask "Well how an I meant to get home??"
Don't ask directions... Get a map or GPS!
Don't pull up get out and ask "What’s going on?"
Don't stop and stare

Ok guys rant over... I do feel a bit better... :lol:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: The Landy Guy on August 25, 2007, 01:39:32
fair enough points there
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: gtomo2 on August 25, 2007, 08:00:34
My moan is why when there is a small shunt in the say south bound lane  why is it the traffic in the north bound lane has to slow down to a 4 mph crwal to go pass it. Its very frustrating for us lgv drivers who are limited with driving time. and all it doues nine out of ten time is course a smash north bound as the rep on his /her phone piles into the slow traffic in front of them. I cal it the blue light syndruim like a fly attracted to the light on the fly zapper. Car drivers have to slow down as they look at the pritty blue lights.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: gtomo2 on August 25, 2007, 08:09:54
And why when a lgv is taking up two lanes of a road coming up to a sharp bend or junction in a town some one has to try and sqeeze down the gap between the truck and the pavement then try and go around the blind side as you are turning and taking up the whole road. Why can't they teach car drivers some does and don'ts of things not to do near a lgv.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 25, 2007, 09:04:00
Quote from: "Boggert"
Do's and don’ts of a police road closure...

Isn't this why you're issued with batons?
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 25, 2007, 09:47:51
Quote from: "Boggert"
How about a Rant...

I was very nearly wiped out to day by some dizzy old git who just could not see a bis ass white car with yellow stripes and blue lights closing the road, all the traffic had stopped but thit idiot thought out of all the cars he was allowed to over take and go through the road closed sign at about 50mph.

Some of our Ambulance crews often have similar tales & have even had irate motorists open the rear doors whilst they're treating a patient inside & asked how long they'll be parked in the middle of the road/over their drive/in the way.

If there's one of your (West Yorkshire Constabulary) collegues around, they'll intervene, otherwise the individual often gets a less than polite reply from the crew :roll:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: tomarse on August 25, 2007, 09:54:47
Quote from: "thermidorthelobster"
Quote from: "richo"
I hate it when you agree a payment day when on a job with a customer and they sod off to france for the long weekend with out telling you they are and when you ring them up to ask them where you money is they don't anwser.

My plasterer turned up a week late (after I'd moved all the furniture out of the main room, including the piano, and lifted the carpets) and then had a major hissy fit at me for having the nerve to leave messages on his answerphone asking where he was.  :twisted:  I wouldn't wee on him if he was on fire.

Assuming you hadnt already paid him, I'd have waited for him to unload his tools out of his van and then told him i'd changed my mind and didnt want the job doing anymore.
Youve already put up with the disruption for a week, why not put up with it a bit longer while you wait for someone else to come do the job?

When someone messes you about and doesnt deliver when expected or answer the phone when you ring them, then if money hasnt already changed hands I find it quite satisfying to go somewhere else and let the original people know when they finally turn up/get in touch :)
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: BrumLee on August 25, 2007, 12:30:56
Quote from: "strapping young lad"
why did the big mars and marathon go from big to two small ones


why do banks take forever if you ask them to do something but if they want something out of you the postman cant drive quick enough :(

Exactly  :evil: Sent in a letter to close my account, they dragged their feet closing it and charged me double months account charges for one day of the month  :evil:  :evil:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Boggert on August 25, 2007, 17:40:08
Quote from: "thermidorthelobster"
Quote from: "Boggert"
Do's and don’ts of a police road closure...

Isn't this why you're issued with batons?

LOL now there is a thought, or perhaps a 8 cell maglite will also do!
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Highlander1 on August 25, 2007, 19:52:57
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Keri on August 25, 2007, 20:59:14
Im gonna moan at mods locking threads because they don't have a sense of humour! ooo better put a wink  :wink:  :roll:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: GREENI on August 25, 2007, 23:28:15
Quote from: "Keri"
Im gonna moan at mods locking threads because they don't have a sense of humour! ooo better put a wink  :wink:  :roll:





@Keri.....cheers for the text, I'm out laning ALL the time, next time we're in the Peaks, will pm you....
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Bishops Finger on August 26, 2007, 01:40:36
Locked threads always are a pain...why was said thread locked...?
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 26, 2007, 13:46:15
My major moan for today is concerning drivers who don't read the road conditions/markings & allow for other traffic

Indicating a turn in a filter lane, if you can only turn left, why indicate left?

2. 'Bullying' learners. Hey! we were all there once!

3. Not allowing space/slowing down for Horses

4. Not giving cyclists the room that they may need, especially when the weather is bad*

5. Ignorant drivers who fail to respond, upon my allowing them out/slowing down to let them past an obstacle.

6. 'Might is Right'. Yes!, I do know that trucks may require the added bonus of momentum at times.

7. Improper use of front & rear fog-lights. NO!!, it's not cool, it just tells me that you haven't got a clue about the switchgear of your car & that can also point to a general lack of awareness.

8. Music so loud that you can't hear the Ambulance behind you & then turning right as it overtakes you :shock:  Seriously, this happens, & has resulted in (well deserved) prosecutions :D

* I know this may possibly gather replies concerning the question of 'Shouldn't cyclists be insured/tested?'  

It's generally a requirement of membership of a BCF (British Cycling Federation) registered club that riders club members also arrange (at least) Third party insurance upon joining.
I have.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Dave on August 26, 2007, 13:50:32
Quote from: "Bishops Finger"
Locked threads always are a pain...why was said thread locked...?

Yes what was the problem have i missed somthing.  :(
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Dave on August 26, 2007, 14:02:53
Ps im getting fed up with anti 4x4 people moaning about are landrovers so to help i have bought a car a nice little Nissan Skyline so im doing my bit are you?.  :wink:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: GREENI on August 26, 2007, 14:12:10
Skyline ??? Good lad !!!
I've had loads of quick cars, still go back to Land Rovers (see my V6 in signature)

Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Keri on August 26, 2007, 14:56:50
Quote from: "Dave"
Ps im getting fed up with anti 4x4 people moaning about are landrovers so to help i have bought a car a nice little Nissan Skyline so im doing my bit are you?.  :wink:

 :wink:  a nice practical family car eh dave  :P  :lol:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Dave on August 26, 2007, 15:10:21
Well i think so  :wink:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Xtremeteam on August 26, 2007, 22:04:05
im gonna moan about keri & abyss moaning & bitching at every 1 cos its getting boring !!!!!!!!
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: AbyssDJ on August 26, 2007, 22:12:29
Quote from: "Xtremeteam"
im gonna moan about keri & abyss moaning & bitching at every 1 cos its getting boring !!!!!!!!

do what you like mate - you bored me a long time ago. as far as im concerned, theres two options - ignore the posts, or do one.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Eeyore on August 26, 2007, 22:18:27
Before this dissolves into a 'pot/kettle' arguement, I'm stepping in.

Mikee, be nice.  [-X
Abyss, if you can't respond with repsect, we'd rather you didn't respond at all.  =;

Now can all parties think more carefully before putting finger to keyboard. Fun, friendly, free - that's our motto here.  8)

Your co-operation is appreciated.

...... and kinda mandatory.  :wink:

Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: AbyssDJ on August 26, 2007, 22:21:09
"be nice"? must have been respectful, just not very nice. i give up
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Mudlark on August 27, 2007, 08:59:40
Get fed up with the mods on here jumping on nearly every post, locking down posts and being generally unhelpful

Wondering when they'll be changing the forum name to Kinder School Play Forum :roll:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: gtomo2 on August 27, 2007, 09:18:59
Well i am not moaning about the mods on here as i think they do a good job in what little spare time they have and i have never had a problem with any of the rules on here. Plus i know that when i look at a post it wont contian bad  words or naked people. if you have a look around at some of the other fourms that are avalible all you get on some is swearing, insuilting and pics of womans parts you don't want your kids to see.
So crack on mods.
but if people dont think the mods do a good job then why not swop places with a mod for a week or two and see how you get on.

Anyway why do they call orange jam marmalade. And why wont a council tip let you tip your rubbish cost your car wont fit under there hight barrier
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Xtremeteam on August 27, 2007, 09:43:31
Quote from: "abyssdj"
Quote from: "Xtremeteam"
im gonna moan about keri & abyss moaning & bitching at every 1 cos its getting boring !!!!!!!!

do what you like mate - you bored me a long time ago. as far as im concerned, theres two options - ignore the posts, or do one.

fine by me,
do i look like i care? nope so theres the option for you,go do one  :roll:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Xtremeteam on August 27, 2007, 09:44:22
Quote from: "Mudlark"
Get fed up with the mods on here jumping on nearly every post, locking down posts and being generally unhelpful

Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: hairyasswelder on August 27, 2007, 10:00:24
Quote from: "gtomo2"
Anyway why do they call orange jam marmalade. And why wont a council tip let you tip your rubbish cost your car wont fit under there hight barrier

Cos Toast and jam doesnt sound 'posh' when you paying £££££'s for breakfast in a swanky hotel  :lol:  :lol:

Never had a problem with the tip even with the works tranny.  My mate went with his Shogun and hit the barrier  :roll: . went again the next week and the man at the tip said 'you can get under that' .... His reply......' see the dint in my roof?? That tells me it wont  :twisted:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 27, 2007, 10:16:07
Quote from: "hairyasswelder"
Quote from: "gtomo2"
Anyway why do they call orange jam marmalade. And why wont a council tip let you tip your rubbish cost your car wont fit under there hight barrier

My mate went with his Shogun and hit the barrier  :roll: . went again the next week and the man at the tip said 'you can get under that' .... His reply......' see the dint in my roof??

Sounds a familiar story :roll:
At one time there was no barrier. Then it was there & opened as needed.
Then open only on certain days. Now it' apparantly "If It Won't Go Under We're not Letting You In"

if I want to dump stuff now, I have to drive past the land-fill about a mile away, queue through Wakefield & the queue to get into the Waste Management HQ
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Dave on August 27, 2007, 10:32:40
fine by me,
do i look like i care?

Looks like you care from this side of the forum  :(bigangry):  :(biglaugh):
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 27, 2007, 11:15:25
Quote from: "Mudlark"
Get fed up with the mods on here jumping on nearly every post, locking down posts and being generally unhelpful

To be fair, the vast majority of members never have any trouble with the mods.  It's the ones who can't follow the simple rules who tend to get frustrated.  And I love the idea of mods jumping on "nearly every post"  :lol:  If you're finding that's the case then you should probably start to wonder why that is!
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 27, 2007, 11:17:17
Quote from: "gtomo2"
And why wont a council tip let you tip your rubbish cost your car wont fit under there hight barrier  :evil:

Mine open the barrier, or wait while I do.  But once I went down with some stuff on the roof rack.  Apparently that counted as commercial waste, so I wasn't allowed to dump it.  So I had to drive back out the tip, unload the stuff from the roof rack, stuff it all inside  :twisted:  and then they let me dump it!
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: sleeplessparadise on August 27, 2007, 12:25:27
Quote from: "thermidorthelobster"
Quote from: "gtomo2"
And why wont a council tip let you tip your rubbish cost your car wont fit under there hight barrier  :evil:

Mine open the barrier, or wait while I do.  But once I went down with some stuff on the roof rack.  Apparently that counted as commercial waste, so I wasn't allowed to dump it.  So I had to drive back out the tip, unload the stuff from the roof rack, stuff it all inside  :twisted:  and then they let me dump it!

You are lucky, our's won't open........ if we go in the 300 which is slightly lifted we have to go 8 miles to the biggest tip which doesn't have barriers  :evil: this also means when we have the trailer on we have to go there cos the 300 is the only one that can tow it at the moment, can't go in my 90 at all cos its a hard top and classed as commercial and cos we got a special pass to take our SIIa soft top to the tip we cannot have another for the 90 :roll: flaming idiots
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: AbyssDJ on August 27, 2007, 13:43:36
Quote from: Xtremeteam
Quote from: Mudlark
Get fed up with the mods on here jumping on nearly every post, locking down posts and being generally unhelpful


language boy! :roll: come on mods, have a word... starting to look slightly biased here :wink:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: thermidorthelobster on August 27, 2007, 14:05:41
OK - let's hold the personal abuse please folks, and stick to the original point of this thread, which was moaning at the world in general (but not each other)  8)
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Dave on August 27, 2007, 14:21:42
Quote from: "thermidorthelobster"
OK - let's hold the personal abuse please folks, and stick to the original point of this thread, which was moaning at the world in general (but not each other)  8)

Well said mate lets make it a nice place again.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 27, 2007, 16:13:52
Quote from: "sleeplessparadise"

You are lucky, our's won't open........ if we go in the 300 which is slightly lifted we have to go 8 miles to the biggest tip which doesn't have barriers  :evil: this also means when we have the trailer on we have to go there cos the 300 is the only one that can tow it at the moment, can't go in my 90 at all cos its a hard top and classed as commercial and cos we got a special pass to take our SIIa soft top to the tip we cannot have another for the 90 :roll: flaming idiots

I've been told I can get a pass for the 110, but they still might not open the barrier at the local one (got to go to HQ)

It was so much easier when we lived inStanley, I'd just go up to the Leeds site at Newsam Green & drive straight. No problems, no badges
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Quietsleeper on August 27, 2007, 23:23:41
Why do some bus drivers think two flashes of their indicators mean they can pull out infront of you?
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: CaptainColourful on August 28, 2007, 01:43:47
Why is it that trucks & vans who are delivering use hazard warning lights whilst they are stationary between other parked vehicles ?

As you approach them the tendency is to be aware of them likely to be pulling out cos all you can see is one indicator flashing.The one by the kerb is invisible to anyone approaching them.

Is he or isn't he going to pull out ?

The darned truck/van is big enough to see anyway, and nobody is going to run into them whilst they have another vehicle behind or in front of them.
Oh and before anyone says owt, I drive an LGV myself but rarely use the hazards unless protecting the scene of an accident or have broken down on a clear road.
A properly parked vehicle is not a hazard, so why use hazard warning lights ?
Rant over, time for the cot.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: The Smiths on August 28, 2007, 02:03:09
Quote from: "gtomo2"
And why wont a council tip let you tip your rubbish cost your car wont fit under there hight barrier  :evil:

This was one of the main reasons for me choosing a cherokee in the first place - so that it would fit under.

Now got into off roading raising it 3" and fitting 31" muds - when its done it will be touch and go whether it fits under the barrier - but such is life, because I now love it.
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: TDi90 on August 28, 2007, 08:58:26
i can see this thread getting locked by the mod that started it in the first place  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 29, 2007, 00:14:26
Why can't some of our wasting scrotes get the same treatment, instead of our having to deal with them?
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: dreadnought110 on August 29, 2007, 07:28:13
Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man"
Why can't some of our wasting scrotes get the same treatment, instead of our having to deal with them?
wonder if he can get an ASBO from the court house for using them too often?? :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Oh and jail Peter Doherty how many warning's can you get!! anyone else would have been slammed in the clink for what he keeps getting caught for :twisted:  :evil:
Title: banks suck big time
Post by: landy4x4xfar on September 01, 2007, 15:08:39
ive been paying a direct debit on a loan for 4 years now and i want to end it and the bank that is being paid can't find any details of my payments or account for me to make a early settlement
they are taken my money every month but can't find me on the system to figure out how much to charge me but you can bet your life the [person of questionable parentage] will still take there money next week even thought they cant find me on there system the ****** :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil: im sure they just want me to pay more for something i don't need anymore
Title: The Moan Thread
Post by: jjsaul on September 06, 2007, 09:13:55
on the topic of going to the tip...

ours requires you to get a permit (over the phone, minimum 48hrs previously to going to the tip) if your vehicle is commerical, overheight, or you have a trailer.
if you phone the number it is rarely answered.
they once told me my rangie offroader is a commercial vehicle because i had a set of roof lamps that wouldnt allow it under the barrier  :evil:
i took a load of stuff the other day (in the back of the car) but i had an empty trailer with me...he tried to stop me and argued that i wasnt allowed to come in, he finally let me in when i pointed out that all the rubbish was in the car and that i wasnt going to leave the trailer on the street while i went in (its a rather dodgy part of town)...
if it gets any worse i'm going to just collect the stuff up and use it in november  :twisted:

and as for people on the roads not paying attention...when you flash someone to let them across / out etc...the number of people who are blatantly not paying any attention is quite worrying. Also the number of immigrants who judging by their driving have probably never taken a driving test  :?
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