
Chat & Social => The Bar - General Chat => Topic started by: Bush Tucker Man on August 24, 2005, 10:13:10

Title: You Know...
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 24, 2005, 10:13:10
You Are In The North When...

1. You have more than one Hot Water Bottle in the kitchen drawer
2. When you ask for brown toast, and people find you the slice of white that looks the darkest
3. People know what to do with Lard
4. You can park your car directly outside your house
5. People ask if there's a discount for cash
6. You go home for your tea before you go out on the town
7. You are comfortable in just a t-shirt in the snow

You Know You Are in The South When...

You discover there are more 'Life Coaches' & feng Shui experts than Plumbers in the Yellow Pages
2. You see signs on peoples gates saying; No Casual Callers' & 'No Turning'
3. You notice all the Bus Shelters are Mock Tudor
4. Peoples wheelie-bins have leafy camoflage covers
5. You realise the place is full of people who send their children away to school  (can't disagree with this one :wink: )
6. Everything costs, at the very least, twice as much as it does up North.

Discuss :lol:

(courtsey of yesterdays 'Yorkshire Post')
Title: north-south
Post by: LandRoger on August 24, 2005, 10:56:36
Ooops i have a (no turning) sign on the gate , only because i have had to replace the brick piers  5-6 times i now have a6ft length of railway track buried 3ft in ground with a barrow of concrete around the base ,not pretty next door cringed when i did it but very effective only have paint marks to contend with now , yes i sent my son to boarding school i wanted him to do better than i in life -he now has a plant hire firm  -i have a wheelbarrow  , lard isnt he the guy on the radio? things cost twice as much in south  well we earn twice as much  but all things equal out somewhere along the way  i find peeps from up north more friendly -or are they just nosey , if you say hello to peeps down here they probably think you want something and look tother way --ooii i dont believe it ive got a Warrior -mini tank turning in my drive  ooi track of somewhere else and do that.
Title: You Know...
Post by: Manicminer on August 24, 2005, 11:11:13
1 - 7 are the same as here in North Wales, although I would put a layer or 2 more on when in the mountains in a blizzard.
Title: You Know...
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 24, 2005, 11:19:43
:lol:  :lol:

Stephen Tomkinson (the 'Ballykissangel' actor) once, said;
"If you want to freak the hell out of anyone in London, just go on the Tube & say; Good Morning" to a complete stranger"

I believe that's true.

Wayne Hemmingway (fashion designer, or something? & from Bolton)
"If I could end my current life & be like Fred Dibnah, I'd be really really happy.
What's wrong with 'nice'?
People in the South hate that word, but the North is simply 'nice' "
Title: You Know...
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 24, 2005, 11:20:15
Just whereabouts is the North/South divide???? :lol:
Title: You Know...
Post by: gords on August 24, 2005, 11:35:07
Now then Richard, you're generalising!

I live in a small-ish village in Surrey and people say hello, the butchers know everyone and everything and everyone gets annoyed and the "townies" using our village as a cut-through :wink:  :lol:

I agree there is a difference between North and South, but it's not that black and white :)
Title: You Know...
Post by: Manicminer on August 24, 2005, 11:40:39
I once read that when you move house it takes 3 days to be considered a Local in London, 3 months in the midlands, 7 years in Yorkshire and 7 generations in N. Wales. :lol:  :lol:
Title: You Know...
Post by: landyman Ash on August 24, 2005, 11:43:03
Living in London (which I hate....) I could not agree more....

Still, flat sold yesturday so back to the countryside here i come!!!!!!!  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Title: You Know...
Post by: Reaper on August 24, 2005, 11:43:49
I once read that when you move house it takes 3 days to be considered a Local in London, 3 months in the midlands, 7 years in Yorkshire and 7 generations in N. Wales.

"Are you local ?"   :lol:
Title: You Know...
Post by: jalopy joe on August 24, 2005, 12:43:51
Well I`m from the South and I think I`m a nice person, but then my south is south of the Equator.
Title: You Know...
Post by: dracula on August 24, 2005, 12:50:32
Most of the country is up north from me :lol:
Title: n/s
Post by: LandRoger on August 24, 2005, 12:50:51
The north -south divide ?  Watford for me  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  nice dont you mean Super?  :lol:
Title: You Know...
Post by: hobbit on August 24, 2005, 14:14:34
Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man"
Just whereabouts is the North/South divide???? :lol:

Richard, unfortunately that 'line' is migrating north over the years :cry:
Title: You Know...
Post by: Bush Tucker Man on August 24, 2005, 22:38:52
Quote from: "Reaper"
I once read that when you move house it takes 7 years in Yorkshire and 7 generations in N. Wales.

Only 7years?, more like 27 if you're up in the Dales
The 7 generations is so they can forget what you did to that Sheep :lol:  :lol:

Quote from: "Reaper"

"Are you local ?"   :lol:

Blimey they look like the locals in the East Coast town where we keep the BWSOW.
I think they run the paper-shop.

 :-$  :-$ Don't tell anyone, but I'll let you all into a secret.
My name is really Tarquin
I'm a Futures Dealer from Chelsea & have a yacht on the 'Med' & a holiday home in Swaledale.
My (unmentioned car) is a black B*W X5 on 20" rims & makes me look like a drug dealer.
My business partner has a black Porch Cayenne & makes look him like a blind drug dealer :lol:
My wife is an architectural, facilities & planning consultant for a company that designs health-care provision structures
Our daughter goes to a private school
We have a chauffeur/cook/baby-sitter living in.

Only 3 of the above statements are true though :lol:  :roll:
I'll give you a clue, I'm not a southerner
Title: You Know...
Post by: Jim-Willy on August 24, 2005, 22:43:47
Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man"
Just whereabouts is the North/South divide???? :lol:

Owt south of sheffield! And they're funny [!Expletive Deleted!] in South Yorkshire an' all.  (It ain't called the independant Republic of South Yorkshire for nowt)
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