Vehicle & Technical > Series Land Rovers

Changing lights


Been having a good afternoon changing the civilian lights over to the military sealed rubber lights.

Only main problem I had was one had a dim glow when I tested the thing after fitting, I spent the next half hour fault finding the wires on a stop/tail circuit.........Only to find I was using a 24v bulb in the bloody holder, it came in the holder & I never checked it.        DOH!!!!!

Kev   :oops:


I know the feeling, Petro is ex-RAF ..  and whilst it was never 24V, the army were somewhat less than discrimiating when it came to adding things to it from stores...

Still, the next four owners did far worse than they ever did :(

The biggest laugh was when I had Land rover to take on exercise, & in  a rush you collect a trailer, & forget to check whether it was fitted with 12 or 24v bulbs, if you have a 24v rover & 12v trailer you just blow all the bulbs, not very popular.


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