Vehicle & Technical > Series Land Rovers

What do you get if you cross a Vauxhall and a series 2...

(1/3) > >>

An insurace claim :(

Someone drover into my motor last night whilst it was parked up outside the flat... not a happy bunny...

They appear to have come off worse :wink:

are they paying for your repairs then?

What do you get if you cross a Vauxhall and a series 2.................

a knackered Vauxhall !  :D  :D


Looks like your Landy won... :)


--- Quote from: "davidlandy" ---They appear to have come off worse :wink:

are they paying for your repairs then?
--- End quote ---

Dunno, he left a note offering to do so, problem is how much do I say ?

new back bucket and a respray?  or ten minutes with a crowbar and a tin of dulux?

Will pop round tonight to see what's what, I suspect (given by the tone of the note he left) that he's an elderly chap.  It was very appologetic and polite.  He even called me "sir" ...

Well, "Sir or Madam", which means that if he knows of women that drive series 2's, he might be worth talking to ;)


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