Vehicle & Technical > Jeep
`96 ZJ passenger side headlamp
I`m looking for a passenger side headlamp for a `96 ZJ after some little **** in town done mine in with a stone or something.............. yes, I chased `em.......... yes they could run faster!
Anyone know of a reasonably priced stockist? Every breaker on ebay I enquire with has always sold it!
Stuck some requests in to places like breakerlink, but the last time I submitted a request to one of these companies they came back with prices above what I could get a brand new pair from the US!
Yes, there are a lot of exclamation marks in the above text!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Smiths:
most ebay sellers will have sold them for around £80 plus as well.
They are rare because glue tends to fil and you drive over them
<begin troll>
Plenty of Landrover ones about, ten a penny.
<end troll>
Thats coz Land Rovers fail a lot more often! :grin:
Bishops Finger:
US ones may be offset in beam??Try JeepChrysler parts, maybe Lighthouse Jeep 4 play Jeeps or track down Carlos Fandango or John N on Jeep Junkies...
good luck!
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