Vehicle & Technical > Mitsubishi
MK2 Shogun & Pajero 2.5/2.8 TD Engine Faults/Diesel Pumps/Timing I can help!
Anyone having any major engine issues, loss of power, bad MPG, took pump off but can't get timing right, anything at all, I am more than happy to help.
Just pm or start a topic and pm your questions and I will do my best to help you.
I have PDF files of all engines & the timing gears plus extra's that I can include in my answers for you to follow.
A genuine Mitsi Shogun & Paj lover with over 15 years experience as a diesel tech.
Regards Ben aka 4fingers
I am new here trying to find some information for my Pajero. I have SWb 2.8 Turbo which at the moment the engine is in pieces, Head cracked from 8 places. I am considering if Repair myself the engine put a 2.5 or a v8 . Any suggestions?? This is the second time engine with this problem.
Gordon PAce
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