Vehicle & Technical > Defender

mushroom top snorkle parts


westy 90:
Any body know where i can get hold of mushroom top snorkle parts ? Need the bit of black flexy pipe but don t need replace the whole thing.

I know that Mantec do individual parts for the Td5 snorkel. The flexi-rubber bit is a rather expensive £30 though (or was a couple of years ago - probably more now.) They are, I believe, the OEM manufacturer of the Td5 snorkel.


--- Quote from: westy 90 on March 16, 2012, 19:17:41 ---Any body know where i can get hold of mushroom top snorkle parts ? Need the bit of black flexy pipe but don t need replace the whole thing.

--- End quote ---

When I was into making them up I used to get my hose online from firms that sold water pumping kit by the metre, long time ago now cant remember any names but reckon that would be the place to start. :wink:


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