Vehicle & Technical > Series Land Rovers

Bikini hood


I want to get a Bikini hood for the S1 86", all the exmoor trim outlets seem to stock them BUT they do not have the bikini hood stock set listed ............ what's up with that?   I do not want to buy the full set because I might as well buy the full hood too and that's not look I want.

Seems exmoor do not do a 'stick set' for the bikini, but they provided me a list of the separate main components (minus fixings - listed below) but they come to around 290 squids  where as a full length stick set for the 86" landy with all the fixings is 372 ... so might as well go for full set I think as it does include the fixings and allow me to get the full rag if I am not man enough for bikini :D

1 x EXT284-5
86" front Hoop
The hoop locates behind the front doors with brackets facing forward, that allow for the Vertical and Horizontal drain channels to locate
1 x EXT284-4
86" Vertical Drain Channel (Side of Door) Left Hand
1 x EXT284-3
86" Vertical Drain Channel (Side of Door) Right Hand
1 x EXT284-2
86" Horizontal Drain Channel (Above Door) Left hand
Drain channel locates above the front door
Connects to the windscreen and to the front hoop bracket
1 x EXT284-1
86" Horizontal Drain Channel (Above Door) Right Hand

baron von ledwidge:
Makes sense mate, are you sure you cant pick up a used stick set for less money though as that's a fair amount to sell out.   Exmoor trim stuff is lovely quality though i bought a new hood for my 88 off them and the fit is excellent. my only quibble is  the seams have gone a bit purple in the sun on it.

the planets have never aligned at the right moment for me to pick up a set of used sticks for a 86" and have the cash and for them to be complete with no messing around. So I figure I buy once, job done and not reflect on the cost too much and hide invoice from mrs etc etc

baron von ledwidge:
Ah thats fair enough mate, well as  said the quallity of my exmoor trim hood is excellent so i woudl imagine the sticks are just as good mate, hide the reciept and feel proud your supporting a birtish company then my friend.


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