Vehicle & Technical > Series Land Rovers

It lives !

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The bikini hood and stick set arrived at work yesterday so I raced home and so by the light of my coleman northstar lamp I took the hardtop off and fitted bikini...... rather exposed now !

Going to ditch the rear bench seats and tart up the rear panels a bit with something that will cover all sins.

Also probably will end up making myself a fume curtain affair that I can roll down and keep the weather out of cabin when truck is not used.

Can't wait to take truck out--- wonder if my dogs will jump out  :shocked:

Had an hours daylight when I came home from work so removed the bench seats. Fitted some rubber stops to the bulkhead for the folding cabin seat backs... dunno why I never bothered fitted them before. The stonechip stuff arrived today which I am going to coat the tub in. Have booked 3 days off work next week so that'll be me taking it for an MOT.\

Still need to swap out the carb and set it up.
Fit base to middle front seat.
Remove seat belts.
Check how bad the wheels/tyres rub if I can't get a set before next week.
Remove the door tops.
Sort the screen washer out. It got an electric washer but I want to fit a hand pump one but not got one :D

wow - nice sunny and warm in Wiltshire today.

Fixed the screen washer hoses so now get a jet of water on the screen rather than a dribble inside the engine bay.

Fitted a new blade insert to the one and only wiper  :cheesy: It wish washs back and forth as it should.

Did a do-for-now repair of the bulkhead galv top rail behind the drive seats which has a split, repair stops it getting worse anyway. Think the stress of a spare wheel being mounted there once was too much for it.

Set the end stop things on the steering. The anaconda extreme muds on disco steels are waaaaaaaaay too big for the truck but all I have right now and can't see that changing before MOT. They do not rub (anymore) but I now have the turning circle of an oil tanker (probably the same oil tanker I need to fuel the thing). They are also very heavy to pull around on the steering.

Got the mrs to rub down and etch prime the tub while I followed up with the schutz gun and blatted it with liquid tub liner.

Removed the seat belts and mounts.

Stopped the indicators flashing 90 to the dozen.

Carb still needs doing and there an occasional miss fire.

Need to add some retainer straps to the seat backs.

Not sure what else...

that's looking very nice, a set of proper landrover wheels on there would finish it nicely (maybe 6.5" 130 rims)

what's the liquid tub liner, a rubber coating ??


--- Quote from: NiteMare on February 26, 2012, 03:12:56 ---that's looking very nice, a set of proper landrover wheels on there would finish it nicely (maybe 6.5" 130 rims)

what's the liquid tub liner, a rubber coating ??

--- End quote ---

I'd be happy with 205's or 7.50's. I do have a set of series1 rims with 6.00's but the tyres are non-certified things which when they were imported and then had the sidewalls etched with "max speed 12mph" lol.

The stuff in the tub is just a hard setting stone chip coat which is over paint-able. I have a 110 tub here which has had a treatment of that stuff in white by whom ever built it and it is really tough and hard wearing.


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