Vehicle & Technical > Discovery

autobox woes 2!

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my 300 tdi auto has a niggling problem. its been there since i bought it about a year ago so im not overly worried about it.....
however, when im accelerating uphill steadily it pulls as you would expect it to. but every 5 to 10 second the revs drop a little bit and the power drops a little bit too. it all picks up a second or so later.
ive looked for leaking vac pipes and unconnected solenoids etc. i found an actuator under the pass head light that wasnt connected so connected that again but to no avail....

anyone got any ideas? or do i need a new box!? lol

RRB im relying on you mate!! hehe

If your loosing power for a small amount of time it won't be your box, try flushing your fuel lines as there might be a small block somewhere and staving the engine a bit which would result in power & rev loss

Try emptying the sedimenter under your O/S/R wing.

hhmmm never thought of that! thats a job for the weekend then!!


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