Vehicle & Technical > Jeep

Help me kill the buzzer


I hate the buzzer/chime on my Grand Cherokee (1998).  I want to kill it.

I found this:

but I cannot find where this is on a RHD.  Help!

Big Andy:
Its a little round plastic thing with a small hole in the middle, mounted on the back of the instrument cluster.

stick a screwdriver through it and it wont bother you again.

Disco Matt:
I realise this is on a Jeep rather than a Disco, but...

The Disco has something very similar - it buzzes if you have the door open with the keys in, and if you leave the lights on. I wanted to keep the latter but get rid of the former, so I clipped the wire from the ignition switch which goes live when you put the key in then used a bit of heat shrink tubing to insulate the bare wires. Result: I can sit in the truck with the keys in and the door open without annoying noises, but I still get a warning if I leave my lights on!

I wouldn't stick a screwdriver through the buzzer for this reason.

Thanks, but where is the chime box?  I can hear it, but I just cannot find it.

--- Quote from: Disco Matt on August 25, 2010, 23:29:26 ---The Disco has something very similar - it buzzes if you have the door open with the keys in, and if you leave the lights on. I wanted to keep the latter but get rid of the former, so I clipped the wire from the ignition switch which goes live when you put the key in then used a bit of heat shrink tubing to insulate the bare wires. Result: I can sit in the truck with the keys in and the door open without annoying noises, but I still get a warning if I leave my lights on!
--- End quote ---

Thanks, and I did exactly that with the Disco I used to have.  However, this damn thing also chimes if you start the engine before put seat belts on (which is the correct way to do things) so I want to kill the chime forever!


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