Vehicle & Technical > Series Land Rovers

Stuff For Swapping Engine


The next few weeks should see Petro reborn with a new (hopefully running properly) engine, so the question is this, asside from the engine (obviously) what parts are required to do the job properly....

Clutch Plate
Engine Mounts & Bolts
Sump Gasket
Oil Filter
A Stockpile of Teabags (to be used as a Tim pacification tool)
Clutch Fluid

Anyone got anything else?

The gearbox is intended on staying where it is, since it's going to be a begger to get out, also swapping out the radiator bulkhead, but already have a new radiator fitted with new hoses & clips etc..

Masking tape and a marker pen? That way you can tape up any cables/pipes disconnected and a note of where/what they are.

A cardboard box - to put all the little bits left over in!


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