Vehicle & Technical > Freelander

Freelander 2 brakes problem


Hi there... some friends have a Freelander 2 which has been to the dealers three times now to have new brake discs fitted after the previous ones became scored.  I *think* it's both fronts that have the problem.  They have also replaced the steering rack which I'm not sure if it's related, and I think the callipers have been replaced as well.

The car did slide sideways in the snow into the kerb so there may be some impact damage there, but it wasn't a high speed impact.  They haven't mentioned to this at the dealer for fear of invalidating their warranty on the work.

However after the last replacement the grinding noise came back and the discs were visibly scored after less than 100 miles.   Anyone have any insight on things that might be wrong?  It's clearly eluding the local stealer...

Even a low speed knock into a kerb with 2 tonne of vehicle can do damage. They need to mention it.

My first thought is that a wheel bearing has gone (due to the knock) causing lateral movement of the hub in relation to the disc, maybe only under certain circumstances like cornering when its under lateral load. Id be surprised if that would account for it on both wheels (if it is both).  If the dealer found the bent steering arm without being told about the knock they are not doing to badly so id hope the checked the bearing, however as I hinted it may not be evident (e.g. a knackered bering will show if you jack the car and try to move the wheel laterally, but it not 100% Guaranteed to show up an iffy bearing)

Its also worth taking the wheels of an looking on the inside to make sure that the alloy is not deformed and tapping the possibly knocking it onto the disc. or anythign else like a splash shield etc (not sure hoe the freelander 2 gubbins work). You should see scoring on the inside if there has been contact.

The above a still a bit surprising as assuming the pads are fresh id hope that the friction material would mot up an lateral movement and you wont see scoring as such, more just uneven ware or corroded patched where there is no contact to knock off the rust etc.

Thats my thoughts,


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