Vehicle & Technical > Mitsubishi
how to lift a pinin?!?!
Does anyone here know of a lift kit for a pinin?! my mate has 1 and nearly killed the clutch trying to keep up with me down the lanes yesterday. Just no clearance whatsoever. Cheers?
I had one for a while and they are bloody useless. As far as I know you can't lift them at all.
I had a Pinin
the ground clearence was useless, sold it and bought a Jimny
lmao, loving the replies here lads.. My mate had a jimny a few years ago... missed having 4x4 so bought the pinin :clap: gone the wrong way round :D my freelander on MT's kept leavin him behind the other day... Its all good.
Of course it can be lifted !!!
Just make sure you widen the track at the same time, they look pretty unstable at the best of times.
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