Vehicle & Technical > Mitsubishi

shogun no power.

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Iv'e just changed the 2.5 in my 96 swb shogun as the old one had water problems.The replacement engine is older than original but I  still expected it to go ok.Problem is it doesn't rev under load ie put your foot down and not much happens :'(,certainly not what you'd call acceleration).Turbo is good and belt timing is correct.It doesn't smoke and sounds fine mechanicaly.any thoughts please.........thanks.

did you change the 3f`s eg fuel oil air filters  and did the new engine come with fuel pump on or did use your old one on the fuel it has markings for turbo or non turbo?

thanks---all filters changed,both motors with turbos, in fact original was a bit knackedred (ie burning oil) new is in better nick.

Pump timing out?

Good suggestion,with the pump advanced up it's going a lot better.I'll try anvancing  a tooth on the belt  as it's not quite enough. thanks.


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