Vehicle & Technical > Freelander

Rear Door Seal and Water ingress

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Well i have opened that lovely littl cubby box in the boot to find my very own swimming pool. I have read around that this is mainly caused by the rear door seal. Can anyone confirm if they have replaced this and if it has stopped the water flow as at 50 quid for the seal want to know that it will work, also how can i tell if the other seal has perished.

disco2 td5:
i use to have a freelander and mine leaked inbetween the plastc trim and the body work above the rear door a tube of silicome later and it were sorted

Have you inspect the seal to make sure its not damaged. Also rubber seals can tire but give it a good clean with a rough cloth with meths on and you may get it sealing again!

I will give that ago tomorrow before i see about forking out for a new seal, also has anyone had problems with the windows on the rear of the removable as i think i am leaking from there as well

Drill a small hole in the cubby floor to let the water drain out !!


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