Vehicle & Technical > Mitsubishi

Electric Fan?


Hi Iam trying to get an electric fan for my paj from a local scrappy, which car do i go and rip apart to get one and how do i go about fitting it.
My paj is a 1992 2.5TD

pug 1.9 GTI its a twin fan unit with a plastic suround that you should be able to chop to fit

Big Rich:
Is there a thermometer on the 306 fan or whats the best way of installing the system (themometer and fan)

I have a Kenlowe an which has the bullet type thermometer on it. Would it work the same on the paj? :wink:

How have you got round this on your motors :?:


im still using the old viscous fan on mint to be honest if/when i change mine i will use kenlowe if they do a kit for the paj, it will save loads of messin about and should fit first time.


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