Vehicle & Technical > Mitsubishi

Help Needed.

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Big Rich:
I have been asked to help get a electric fan for a 2.5 diesel Paj.

What fan do I need to get? and how do you mount it.

Any information on this would be great as I'm a Discovery owner and havn't had any experiance on Pajero's.

Many thanks.


Tiny Tim:
Standard fan is not electric or belt, but you can fit an aftermerket electric fan try ...


Big Rich:
I know he was thinking of trying to get one from a local scrappy. Is there any particular one to go for?

Whats the best way of fixing it?


i use ford escort 1800 diesel fans on both my motors,although its not quite as effective as it could be cos it pulls n ive got it blown infront o the rad


Unless I am mistaken doesn’t it say kenlow fan on your list of modifications?  Do you mean an intercooler fan if so I have fitted one to mine I got it of eBay for a £5 plus P&P. I fitted it by using electrical ties passed through the core of the intercooler similar to the kit that comes with the Pacet fan the only difference if that the electrical ties are flat and the Pacet kit are round. If you need photo’s let me know.


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