Vehicle & Technical > Toyota

FAO Linda (Or anyone else).

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Question again regarding the wifes mates 4 Runner.

Today in this weather she was driving up a slope (she said hill) and started to slide. She pressed a button on the side of the main gear lever (it's an auto) and on dash a light came up saying 'over drive off'  :?:

So what does this mean  :?:

How should the vehicle be driven in normal conditions, with over drive or not  :?:

She was in normal drive at the time and not in low box.

Any advice welcome please  :wink:

An overdrive is like a fifth gear but bolted to each gear so you can go 1st, 1st overdrive, 2nd, 2nd overdrive, 3rd, 3rd overdrive etc etc (I think!)

More useful on motorway driving tho - not sure what difference it would have made to whether the car was slipping or not unless it was in too high a gear with the overdrive on?

Had a toyota lite ace, which was auto with this overdrive switch on, all mine did was remove the extra gear, stops it hitting a too higher gear if the wheels start spinning, the gearbox thinks its time to change up again

OK, I've got a Surf (Jap version of the 4Runner). The OverDrive (as already mentioned) is basically just another gear.

I tend to drive around town with it turned off as it allows the engine to rev a bit higher, thus meaning it doesn't labour too much (which improves economy a bit). Once speeds consistently get over 40 I always have overdrive on as it allows the engine to run at a lower speed and thus more economically. It also allows the torque converter to lock up giving a bit more economy.

Overdrive Off- is also usefull for towing and going up long hills. It won't help pressing that particular button on a slippy slope- engaging 4WD (the big button on the Hi-LO lever) would!



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