Events, Gatherings, Out & About > Members' Travels



some of the lads over on a nother forum have just come back from touring the ALPS n surrounding areas, quite fancy it it best to go with organised tour firm, or sort out a route and stuff meself....where do i start?

We've been this year and did it ourselves.
Got a few tips from a few people and pretty much organised a great route - plenty of off roading - there's loads about.
If you need any info on places to stay let me know and i'll send you what what i've got.

But on the other side there's plenty to be said for going on an organised trip - route and area knowledge for one and the crack you get with  bigger groups.
Atlas overland do a couple of trips over there - can't recommend them enough - we went to Morroco with them last year and they were A1.




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