Vehicle & Technical > Mitsubishi

snorkle fitted

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glad to hear that a ever changing world its good to know that you will always be around to abuse me  :P  :lol:

8)  Good to see you here jamie mate


--- Quote from: "EvilEd" ---Still can;t pluck up the courage to drill a hole in the side of my Jeep!
--- End quote ---

I fitted my old Disco snorkel in the middle of a field full of people.  It was entertaining to them, and did rather focus my mind.  I displayed a unique talent for drilling triangular holes.  It's also not that critical to get the holes totally accurate, although it's worth measuring and rechecking several times, as you'll feel a bit of a tit if you get it wrong.

Looks well cool den. Gonna have to sweet talk her indoors a bit methink's.


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