Events, Gatherings, Out & About > Regional Meets

Northants Club Night (January 2008)

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Big Rich:

--- Quote from: missrampage on December 12, 2007, 14:34:02 ---one day i might turn up at one of these meets, see what u lot do when u let out alone!!!

--- End quote ---

You'll be more than welcome to come to one or all of the meets.

I'll be there.

Keith when you putting the kettle on then and I'll be round and help get the V8 on the road. (Convoy round town then  ;))


You all might notice that I've already posted the February Club Night, don't worry - you haven't missed the January one, I'm just checking how to enter Events through the calendar feature.

 :-k :-k im flipping glad you figgerd it out i getting xxxxxxx with it now :evil:


Apparently its only certain folk who can add calendar events, if you want anything added, just let me know and I'll do it for you.

I'm hoping to make it just depends on how the hospital goes on Monday.

hope to see you all.



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