Vehicle & Technical > Not Anything Listed Above....

Proper Air-Craft

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Bush Tucker Man:
There's a row of Poplars (?)half-way down, but the chap with the big garage has a big chainsaw :D

I know what you mean Simon, but the kit is American, so the air-worthiness certification might be differant across there.
That's even allowing for those litigious Yanks (drop a hat, & they'll sue :D)

The kit uses the Allison version of the Merlin (at least I think that's what it said), presumably it was manufactured under licence?

By the way;
Ever fancied a taxi ride in a Lancaster??

Bush Tucker Man:

Pity it's in South Africa :(

I've heard of Thunder City before.  What a brilliant idea, but spoilt for choice.  Difficult to decide between Lightning and Buccaneer.  As you say pity it is in South Africa, but they probably get the weather for it :!:

Apparently south effrika is the only place in the world that allows the lightening an airworthyness cert or there is some other legal provision to make it the only country where you could offer this service.

Can you imagine that for a job? You have to take the plane up, impress the passengers with the G-force, speed, etc. and then collect a pay cheque. Where do I sign up?

Just like being a figher pilot but without all that saluting & boot polishing.

Or getting shot at...


Bush Tucker Man:
SWMBO is going to South Africa to visit relatives in February, wonder if she'd be up for a flight.
Or do I buy another ticket & go there myself, just for a Lightning flight??


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