Vehicle & Technical > Toyota

Land Cruiser model range?

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A chap I met in Gambia had driven all round Africa in a Land Cruiser.  His was around 1989 vintage and had a 4L or 4.2L (I forget which) naturally aspirated diesel.  It was a hard top with a flared bonnet, and had 24v electronics.

What model would this have been?  I've had a scout around but the range is quite confusing to the uninitiated.  Was it an FJ?  How do I work out which series?

Thanks, David

Would have been a 60 series.

Had a Google around and it doesn't look like most of the pics that are coming up under 60 series.  I think it's one of these - is this a 60 series?

That looks like a 75 series troop carrier.

Silvery Thing:
David.... please have a look at this website as it may help with your search for the info


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