Events, Gatherings, Out & About > Regional Meets

Dorset monthly meet ????

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Wotcher Martin, no idea re next month,  it depends on whether the pinz is running again, and other things.  I don't tend to do off-road courses that much, might go green-laning with Julian in his Volvo C303 and trigger an armed response ;-)

:lol:  :lol:
We are organising a plains trip soon so will keep you posted.

Only 4 of us turned up but was pleasant evening.
They do some nice food there too.

Yeah I am an awkward 1 unfortunately, I can only do Sundays as I work every friday and Saturday night! I would have come along if I could.

Are we gona do the next one after Matchams on the 20th?


I just seen this  :oops:

Thats why I wasn't there  :oops:

No worries NickP/4x4nick,
I was thinking that the sunday after my event could be good. Be a chance to discuss the day and a general social ?
I will be running a BBQ after mine in the summer so may not work out. See what Ron thinks when he's about next.


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