Vehicle & Technical > Freelander

Freebie Problems.

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The most common faults with modern cars are electrical. With fuel delivery faults it is often the pump relay. Pumps tend to be quite reliable, it seems. We are only just beginning to get requests for injection Mini pumps and they started production in 1992. But relays fail all the time! Had the same failure on an old 1988 Merc and then on a 3 month old Seat Arosa. However, in both cases the car simply wouldn't start.

I do hope it isn't the dreaded K series problem, but the symptoms certainly point to it. Had someone in just yesterday afternoon who had a customer with an MGF doing exactly the same thing.

Hi Phil
It was most likely fuel injectors and something else which I can't remember. But it was best got rid of  in the end as other problems started to arise.

Not heard from BIL yet.... so not sure what the problem is, but will find out.


BIL has now had the car fixed, its seems both AA men were incorrect in there diags (where have I heard that before)

It was the fuel pump, causing all the problems, a new pump has now been fitted and all is ok again.

And he's now looking to replace the car.  :D

There is actually a known fault.... where by the fuel pump gets changed when not needed.... apparently there is a filter within the pump that gets blocked - which gives the symptons described.
This filter, originally, was un-avaliable as a seperate part... but now is.

I did have the Land Rover Technical Release Paper some-where... the one that is sent to Land Rover Dealers.



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