Vehicle & Technical > Nissan


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Brian the Sn@il:
OK after ANOTHER weekend DEMO Navara :)

I took it on a bit of greenlaning :)

and what fun we all had (the family)

It was great :) had not had this much fun in a vehicle for ages !!

So on the Sunday i then took it to Silverstone where we had organised a rolling road day for the Subaru Impreza WR1 Owners Club.

I crused at at 90 + for most of the way with teh Navara maxing out at 110.

The engine is fantastic, it pulls fron any rev range over 1500 rpm right up to the 5000 rpm red line.
THis really is the best derv engine i have tried and i have tried them all ;)

So my dilema.. is

I have booked for the Automatic for a teast drive in 2 weeks time BUT is a MODERN AUTO any good for off roading ????


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