Vehicle & Technical > Defender

I've been busy!!!


Thanks to Adie, I now have a steering guard fitted, and my Dixon Bate drop plate removed. That was last night...

Today's jobs have been swapping the rear door to be side mounted, rather than drop down, and fitting a swing away spare wheel carrier.

I've also been able to add some scratches thanks to LRO! Managed to cadge a trip out with them after I turned up with some spares for running repairs!

Roll on the Warwick pay and play day!

Just need to get the CB fitted (although I'll probably need to buy it first...) , get a few bolts through the store drawer and put the slider from the DB towbar onto the rear crossmember so I can still tow and I'll be about done for now.

Some photo's should be here

Hopefully the link'll work!



That looks pretty fandabydozy Ben!

Was the tailgate hinge easy to convert? Got to do this job on my series for when next summer comes, as long as I've got it running by then!!  :lol:

Chris W

Thanks Chris  :D

Tailgate hinge was really easy. Easier than I was led to believe by some of the responders to my various questions on the subject on various forums!

Basically I bought 2 pattern hinges from LRO Show (both are the bottom hinge on a series safari door), and fitted them through the existing holes on the LR, drilling extras where necessary. The only problem I had was that I originally mounted the bottom hinge too low and it fouled the swingaway. Soon moved the hinge upwards though (swingaway mount all but covers the minor indiscretion!!!




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