Vehicle & Technical > Discovery

Radiator Cover


Is there such an item on the market to cover the front grill and protecting the radiator whilst wading through water  :?:

Saw at Langley last weekend several LR's had there front grills covered.  

I heard of radiator muffs (cold /winter) are these suitable  :?:

Or is just a piece of plastic sheeting just as good  :?:

Thoughts, ideas please  :wink:


Bush Tucker Man:
If it is simply to keep the water/mud from clogging the radiator vanes I suppose a piece of tarpaulin will work as well as anything.
Just cut it to size & attach with bungie-cords or tie-wraps.

I've seen radiator muff's on wotsername's stand, the two racing sister's in Bradford wotsitcalled aaaagh!

Anyway, they are proper so to speak, bespoke items with a removable flap for the main rad part and an open square for the intercooler bit, not sure if you can cover the intercooler bit, would think these are more suitable for winter driving rather than mud/water splashing tho.

Wish I could think of their name... right on the tip of my tongue as well!!  :oops:

Chris W

ChrisW:  :roll:

I had one from them the winter before last, good for short runs in very cold weather. Should also do the job in water as well


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