Vehicle & Technical > Discovery

Cutting tank guards....


I'll admit it - I'm a lazy so and so. I need to cut a chunk out of my steering guard to allow the exhaust to pass without rattling. To undo the guard after it has been on for so long is not a task I relish.

Anyone know how I could cut the corner behind the back wheel (towards the back of the tank) without removal and *without* damaging the exhaust or guard....

<potters back> Just checked..looks like I'd have to remove the exhaust too to get the guard off....argh!

So it's more important now...or am I down to a file and 3 days....?

Can you get in with an angle grinder?


easy mate, get a few friends round, have a few beers and a laff, then tackle the sorted in no time.

Can u post a piccy of it ?

Can u get at it with a jigsaw, recip saw, circular saw or a powerfile

Just some suggestions

You should have said when you were here !   I'd have lopped it off with the airsaw :-(


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