Vehicle & Technical > Freelander

K series head gasket... yes that one!

<< < (2/2)

Thanks guys. I did see the previous thread and tried to find the LRO article (without success).

I agree about the 1 to 10 concept and I try to remain objective about the descision, but there are so many reports/rumours that it can't fail to affect our choice of car. I can't help feeling like it would be a lottery buying a K series Freelander! And I have not yet concluded which way the odds are stacked!

I guess it will come down to the second test drive and talk to the dealer.

We will let you know what we do on the 19th!

Well, after all the deliberation, we have bought the Freelander. It would be joining my 110 in the driveway...... but the 110 is currently broken down outside my work! Clutch cylider going in tonight. Then we will have a full drive again. And this time with 2 green oval vehicles  :)


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