Events, Gatherings, Out & About > Members' Travels

Out & About. Wednesday 15th February

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strapping young lad:
or go in there when its mating season

sometimes rams think you are cramping their styles and will charge!

Bush Tucker Man:

--- Quote from: "strapping young lad" ---or go in there when its mating season

sometimes rams think you are cramping their styles and will charge!
--- End quote ---

Remember the story about the garage that had damaged stock & thought they'd got vandals until a staff member saw a Ram butting its reflection in car doors???

old joe:
i mentioned this to turtle the other week when we was out laning.

perhaps the sheep no something that we don't  the certain tone of a defender.


I was on my way to a dig which ivolved a drive through a few fields.  The sheep all followed the series!


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