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Out & About. Sunday 8th January

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Bush Tucker Man:
From the results here I think most of you liked my varied 'Out & About' reports, so...
Here's the first one with my new 110 :wink:  :wink:
Enjoy :D  (comments welcomed - as usual)

After a problematic few days the Defender got its first trip of any length/time today. We'd promised 'Small-Child' we'd go Seal-hunting at a beach we'd been told about (I'd requested the day-off specially)

I had a quick browse at its fuel-gauge problem this morning & went to fill it up to see what happened,and hoped the immobiliser wouldn't while we were out [-o<
SWMBO got 'Small-Child' sorted out whilst I was away.

Once I was back home, SWMBO, 'S-C' (& sister-in-law) were loaded up along with food, coats, wellies, cameras & vid-cam.
The M62 was joined a couple of miles down the road & an easterly direction was taken at a steady 55mph into the rain & gloom.
It certainly feels differant to the Discovery (I'd forgotten all about the 'Defender experience' :lol: ) & was already missing some decent gearing for motorway cruising.

Eventually (via the M18 & M180) we got to Grimsby & the M180 expired, the A16 towards Louth was followed.
Now we got onto the little roads through (esentially) the Lincolnshire fens, with water everywhere; be it ponds, or drains following the roads for miles.
We reached the village of North Somercoates along the 'coast-road' of the A1031 & turned off to reach 9after almost 2hours, the dunes of Donna Nook, which is part of an RAF bombing range :shock:  :shock:

It must rank as one of the most desolate places I think I've been in the UK, bar a few stretches up near Sellafield on the Cumbrian coast.
Once parked, it was up into the load-space for an indoor picnic & soup :roll: , plenty of space for that now :lol:  :lol:

Food consumed & all coats on it was out & along the foreshore.
By following the other equally daft people, it was easy to spot where the Seal pups were by the clusters of people standing about

There was (for me) some interesting articles in the beach yard of 'Range-Control', a netting tank anyone???

After about 30minutes on the beach it was decided it was a bit chilly to say the least & we departed.
The decision was taken to come back 'cross-country' (no!, not literally!!)& head to Louth, Gainsborough & Bawtry (regaining the A1 north)
The roads were a nice mixture of rolling over the Lincolnshire Wolds &  narrow arrow-straight  lanes with drains at either side.

As it got darker, it got wetter. I half expected a few flurries of snow,but nothing came.
One advantage of the lower (than Discovery) gearing was the ability to lug itself around corners in 4th & 5th that would make the Discovery struggle & shake.

It seemed to take an eternity to get to Gainsborough, but then (the lovely town of) Bawtry was upon us. Sadly it was fully dark & 'S-C' was grumpy & hungry, so we didn't stop (I have before)

Surprisingly between Louth & Market Rasen there was still lots of deep patches of snow at the road-side, but wasn't that where it was badly hit a couple of weeks ago??

Eventually we got home for about 17:15 after a stop to pick up a  McDonalds 'Happy meal' for 'S-C'.

Total mileage circa 195-200miles & probably 4 1/2hours driving, but 'S-C' was quite taken with the Seals (nasty snotty, growly things that they are)

Bishops Finger:
Looks a good day out :D

Think me and SWMBO may head for Aberystwyth next week weekend :D

Seems like you had a nice ride out Richard, like the 2nd picture, but better not say which (of my) family members it reminds me of   :wink:

We were around the Market Rasen area just over a week ago (29/12) and there was around 4" - 5" of snow on some of the lanes, (OK 100 - 125mm if you want to be PC)..............  but it was a very pleasant day out  :lol:

You've been there before with the 110, ................ it's an aquired taste and may take a week or two for you to get "re-aclimatised".............  but, as you already know, once it's in your blood .......   your hooked for life  8)


Sounds a perfect day out.  How did the 110 perform on mpg's ?

Bush Tucker Man:

--- Quote from: "Damo" ---Sounds a perfect day out.  How did the 110 perform on mpg's ?
--- End quote ---

Don't know yet, gauge not working :lol:  :lol:, & I didn't re-fill it on the way home.
I'll take a guess at around 30mpg with all the motorway running??

--- Quote from: "Skywalker" ---We were around the Market Rasen area just over a week ago (29/12) and there was around 4" - 5" of snow on some of the lanes, (OK 100 - 125mm if you want to be PC).............. but it was a very pleasant day out  
--- End quote ---

Yes we came from the east (obviously, why did I write that? :roll: ) passing alongside the race-course.
The snow (I think) was mainly on the approach to Manby, saw 'The Manby' pub, with the Jet Provosts(?) on the sign & the nice '30's style garden supplies(?) place just after it.
Oh, & there was also the Chieftain at the entrance to Manby driving grounds

--- Quote from: "Skywalker" ---You've been there before with the 110, ................ it's an aquired taste and may take a week or two for you to get "re-aclimatised"............. but, as you already know, once it's in your blood ....... your hooked for life  
--- End quote ---

Yes for almost 4years with the 110Tdi  (& about 14months with the 90V8-CSW)
It's just a matter of re-programming your synaptic responses. I found myself backing off for corners with a 'see-through' factor that I would have taken 10mph(?) faster in the Discovery


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