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To Hell & Back!

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OK, that's it ... I think it's time one of you guys organised a laning event up there - I'm getting very jealous of all these pictures :(  :wink:

No pressure, of course :wink:  :lol:


--- Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man" ---If it co-incides with my days-off, I'll be more than happy to meet up, or provide OS refs for lanes & other things to do.

--- End quote ---

That's it, your committed now  :twisted: , next time I'm up there (don't hold your breathe though) I'll be in touch  :wink:


--- Quote from: "Gords" ---I think it's time one of you guys organised a laning event up there - I'm getting very jealous of all these pictures
--- End quote ---

He's got a point, I'm suprised that you don't quit the NHS and become a tour guide, maybe this is your opportunity for a practice  :lol:

Bush Tucker Man:

--- Quote from: "TimM" ---
--- Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man" ---If it co-incides with my days-off, I'll be more than happy to meet up,

--- End quote ---

That's it, your committed now  :twisted: , next time I'm up there (don't hold your breathe though) I'll be in touch  :wink:
--- End quote ---

I ought to  be committed, working 9years in the NHS, committed & the key thrown away. A plea bargain of insanity :lol:

--- Quote from: "TimM" ---

--- Quote from: "Gords" ---I think it's time one of you guys organised a laning event up there - I'm getting very jealous of all these pictures
--- End quote ---

He's got a point, I'm suprised that you don't quit the NHS and become a tour guide, maybe this is your opportunity for a practice  :lol:
--- End quote ---

Believe it, or believe it not Tim , it has been suggested on occasions, run as a  guided tour by Land Rover.

'Gords'.  If I'm available, Im certainly up for the planning/route-finding at the very least.
Would you be wanting 'BTM' recommended food-stops as well?

I hope he doesn't mind me 'saying' this, but 'Skywalker' asked me to possibly assist as a driver/guide/persuader in order to help  have some lanes around Wakefield upgraded/opened.
Sadly the person/persons he offered to help never came back to him :cry:  :cry:  (I was working anyway)


--- Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man" ---'Gords'.  If I'm available, Im certainly up for the planning/route-finding at the very least.
Would you be wanting 'BTM' recommended food-stops as well?

--- End quote ---

Well, it would be best if you could join in too - I'd hate to come all that way and not actually meet you! :)

Give it some thought - the best time of year (scenery at it's best, but still driveable), the best area(s) and for me, it would need to allow for camping and/or B&B, etc.

Bush Tucker Man:

--- Quote from: "gords" ---
--- Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man" ---'Gords'.  If I'm available, Im certainly up for the planning/route-finding at the very least.
Would you be wanting 'BTM' recommended food-stops as well?

--- End quote ---

Well, it would be best if you could join in too - I'd hate to come all that way and not actually meet you! :)

--- End quote ---

Oh, I'm very quiet, unassuming, polite, shy & elusive.

--- Quote from: "gords" ---Give it some thought - the best time of year (scenery at it's best, but still driveable), the best area(s) and for me, it would need to allow for camping and/or B&B, etc.
--- End quote ---

I think it would be best to wait for at least spring, but I'll contemplate a full days scenic drive in the county (on both surfaced & unsurfaced routes)
We'll take in;
Art-Deco houses
Suspension footbridges
Pack-horse bridges (neither to drive across)
Spa buildings
Moorland roads
Railway cafes
etc, etc........


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