Vehicle & Technical > Isuzu / Frontera

isuzu probs


ok sunday found out that you can do thrugh the wet stuf with out a snorkel
dont think there was to much in there  but now ive got all sorts of things going on
oil was milkey
was losing oil
over heating think air in there ???
antone tell me what might be going on ????????

Jason, My old Buddy you have done your headgasket, not too clever hitting the wet stuff without a snorky , your lucky you havnt done the motor completley,  dont know about loosing oil though - best of luck with the motor mate,

ok me being thick why do you say that

Well mate  its a classic example of head gasket failure , milky oil  , no power, smokey motor = getting over heated  as the water is going in the sump not around the motor,---I  THINK!

Sorry Gecko :(  I agree with Roger.  Sounds like head gasket.


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