Events, Gatherings, Out & About > Members' Travels

Out & About. Sunday 4th September

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Bishops Finger:
Good trip out


Took a ride out with LandyBabe. Saw this and thought of you  :!:  :!: :!:

Funny That  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

One of S.F.P.Ds Finest  & it's FORSALE :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I think it was Charlie Sierra that my dad learnt to fly in.

Now he owns Romeo Charlie.


--- Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man" ---Even circled the house on our return journey :lol:

--- End quote ---

Is that your house on the second picture???

It's huge!

Bush Tucker Man:

--- Quote from: "chuggaman" ---brave man
i hate heights at the best of times
--- End quote ---

Oh it was great (& this is from someone who refuses point-blank to go on a roller-coaster)
As the (late) great Fred Dibnah used to say;
It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop.
Then it's a half-day out with the Undertaker" :lol:

--- Quote from: "pazuki" ---And here is a man who describes himself as a boring old fart, come off it Rich.
--- End quote ---

True, but I mean in the socialising/partying/etc....... aspect

--- Quote from: "Bishops Finger" ---
Good trip out
--- End quote ---

Certainly was :lol:

--- Quote from: "Hissy" ---
Took a trip out with LandyBabe
--- End quote ---

What no pictures of 'LandyBabe'?, instead of boring old cars :roll:
Not bad, is it a Chevrolet Caprice?

--- Quote from: "Xmob" ---I think it was Charlie Sierra my dad learnt to fly in
--- End quote ---

Wow! What a strange coincidence. Cue the 'Twilight Zone' music. So presumably at Sherburn as well then?

--- Quote from: "Timothy M" ---
Is that your house in the second picture???
--- End quote ---

I wish, it's in an idyllic location, no it's Bolton Abbey up in Wharfedale


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